Bush Reinstates House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC)

Thought to be a relic of McCarthyism and witch-hunts, Bush brings back one of the most shameful institutions in American history. Amongst those being spied upon are hippies, children of hippies, the “hip,” those with hip replacements, hippos and the ones they love, hipsters, rohipnol users, and non-aryan-christian-white-republican-heterosexual-caucasians.

Beware: the HUAC could be that friendly fellow at the Mest concert, or that waitress that gave you the eye at Denny’s the other night. The government will not stop until enemies of the state have been imprisoned and short-shackled to the ground in foreign army bases. Don’t like Bush? It could be YOU that they come after next.

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Filed under activities, bush, committee, dubya, gw bush, house, HUAC, hunt, order, president, reinstates, unamerican, white house, witch, witches

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